Tech Tails: How Hashtags Can Influence Parenting

It’s most likely that your phone is close by at all times. It’s also quite probable that your phone has a camera. Well, a common par- enting trend is to snap those interesting and unique parenting moments and sharing it on social media. A few parents post and a lot of parents choose not to post but do spend time browsing only to learn that they are not alone. That’s right, parents: You are not alone. So, to help with your social media brows- ing on parenting topics, I have found some of the best hashtags* on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram:

#parentingtips: Looking for advice or did you discover something that you want to share with other parents? This is the hashtag that you should use. You may find useful information and you may find things that will make you laugh out loud.

#sendwipes: This is mostly used when a mess is made. This hashtag is hilarious and you can imagine the scenarios where #sendwipes has been used. Can you think of a few moments in the past month where you needed wipes?

#itstooquiet: Are you ever suspicious of silence? Silence can be a sign of mayhem unraveling
or it can be a precious moment building. If you capture that moment, this may be a hashtag you want to use.

#parentoftheyear: Parenting wins are often shared with this hashtag, however, sometimes this hashtag can be used with a sarcastic under- tone. Do you ever put a grin on and think that you are the parent of the year?


#mommyneedswine: This hashtag really needs no explanation. Some things just happen during the adventures of parenting that trigger the need for wine. These moments are often shared on social media, which is a comforting reminder that you are not alone.

#reasonsmykidiscrying: There’s a very good chance that you child has burst into tears for the most ridiculous (well, ridiculous according to you) reasons. Sometimes, these reasons are so spectacular that the moment must be documented and shared.

#itsallworthit: You know these exact moments. The moments where you pause to drink in the feeling of happiness and remember that every- thing you do as a parent is worth it.

Perhaps you have an awesome parenting moment that you want to share or you may just need to do a little research to figure out what to do in a specific situation? Parenting hashtags can be inspiring, comforting, inspirational and entertaining. It’s not a must to share these moments but sometimes it’s just nice to know that you are not alone on your #parentingjourney.


*A hashtag is a word or phrase preceded by a pound sign (#) and used to categorize posts on a specific topic.

This article was originally published in Winnipeg Parent Newsmagazine’s December 2016- January 2017 edition, which you can read here.

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