528 Hertz. What does that mean? Listen as this week’s guest Barbie Layton shares the importance of implementing practices to connect yourself with a frequency that plays at 528 hertz for 20-mins a day to help you raise your energetic frequency. Learn how to use your imagination and creativity to get to the next level in new ways. When you can tell yourself that you love yourself fully, that is when you reach success and this begins with starting to love yourself where you are at. Barbie breaks down her 60/40 of positive and negative thoughts and her practice of extreme gratitude.
About the Guest
Barbie is an International Best You speaker going from side to the Main stage in 6 months based on fan feedback and 25 years of speaking engagements to a New York Times Square Billboard! She has a global TV channel on The Best You TV called “You Are Amazing!” where she interviews world thought leaders who are changing the world for the positive! She earned an M.A In Spiritual Psychology from the world famous University of Santa Monica and participated in the Cannes film festival winning documentary as a counselor to women serving life sentences in Chowchilla, California on “The Prison Project” , based on Viktor Frankl’s work 9n 2007. She is a 2021 graduate of Vishen Lakhiani’s Premium Coaching. She helps CEO’s and individuals alike reanimate their dreams, fall in love with themselves, and become the VIP of their own lives with powerful one of a kind intuitive Soulprint energy clearings that have manifested miracles in her clients’ lives. She has been featured in USA Today, and she is in the second edition of the international bestselling book “Women Gone Wild”, that launched in June and is #1 in 9 categories. She was just named as a Los Angeles Tribune Magazine writer and was a speaker at the Can You Really Think and Grow Rich World Tour sponsored by the Napoleon Hill Foundation. She will also be featured in Dr. John De Martini’s documentary called “Breakthrough” and will be in Ignite Publishing’s “Ignite Humanity” book and the upcoming MindValley Heroes book series.
Website: Www.barbielayton.com
Email: intuitivebarbie1@gmail.com
You ever wonder what success actually means? How do you get it? And how do you keep it?
Theresa Lambert:We all want it yet sometimes it feels only some of us get to have it.
Blair Kaplan Venables:t's be real for a hot minute.:Theresa Lambert:Can you put it in a box?
Blair Kaplan Venables:How can you get it?
Theresa Lambert:Can people take it away? Or are you the one with the power?
Blair Kaplan Venables:Does it mean the same to all of us? Or are we the ones that create it?
Theresa Lambert:From PGA golf pros to doctors, CEOs, entrepreneurs and spiritual mentors. We get together to meet with successful people from around the globe to dissect success for vibrant conversations and interviews. Make sure you click the subscribe button on the app store because each week we will drop a new episode to bust through the myths around success and dissect its true meaning.
Blair Kaplan Venables:d on Victor Frankel's work in:Barbie Layton:Thank you what a great intro for sure.
Blair Kaplan Venables:I got so like I you know, it's so funny because now I'm back in Kamloops and my like small Canadian city, you know, of 100,000 people where there's space and fresh air. And like, I know that you and I are on a billboard in Times Square. But I also kind of feel like it's a whole like it's part of me, but it's a whole different part of me. So like I forget about it. You're injured completely, like blindsided me, it's like, she's on a billboard. I'm like, wait, I'm on the Billboard with her anyways, holy smokes. Well, you know what, let's just dive right in. Like what? What does success mean to you?
Barbie Layton:I think success is one of those things that is the the journey and like it's not the destination. It's the when more than half of your day is like spent just totally jamming of our time dissolves, and you're just totally in your zone. And you're so blissed out by the amazing things that you get to do. But also acknowledging that a lot of times the challenges and the tests that come up for you are there to be able to really test your mettle and to be able to really see how you can have an opportunity to use your imagination and your creativity to get to the next level in a way that you never have before. So it's the never ending, striving and thriving simultaneously. And when you can look yourself in the eyes and tell yourself I love you and mean it because you are being there for yourself as much as possible. That's when it really really resonates where you can call yourself a personal success. And I'm definitely still a work in progress. I would say most days now I have probably 60% positive and 40% negative but ultimately just continuously to strive for that to be are those moments that are magical, and they're in the direction that you want them to to go in, end up continuing to manifest in almost miraculous and magical ways.
Blair Kaplan Venables:able and real, right like the:Barbie Layton:, to your point, I think that:Theresa Lambert:ons. I mean, all powerful. So:Barbie Layton:Um, I think I've been very intentional. 520 hertz is my jam, that's my, that's my chant. That's what I tone in my body. I think that when you, you know, like other a lot of people like in the Eastern religions that, you know, they tell them with Ohm, and Alma is not my jam, the hue is my jam, which is the sound. And it's, it's really in times of stress and times of even danger or things like that. In my life, I've been using that tone for the last 30 years. And a lot of, you know, ascended masters and other people have been using it, it's pretty much like in Judeo Christian and also Islamic religions, pretty much if you look at Allah lujah, Allah Lee as three words put together, so there's all a hue, and then basically at the end, so Yahweh, so you've got Allah hue, and then Yahweh, which is basically encompasses pretty much all almost all of the universal religions in the world. And if you look it up the word hue Hu, it's in so many different languages all over the world. And I don't think that that's an accident, something that they used to actually chant below, in the Mystery Schools in Egypt, they actually used to chant that at night, when they would go like from Sun sundown to sun up, they would actually chant the hue. And so for me, it was a miracle tone that I found. And by toning that, you become almost like your own tuning fork with your body. So I'm a singer by nature, which Blair can attest to. But it's something of where I love that my vibrato. And that's where I think that it's the actual essential pneus of the frequency has to be pure, and it has to be correct. And I don't mean in a right or wrong way. I mean it from the perspective of where when somebody cuts a key for you, that key will have six or seven x's in it, which means that it actually fits into the lock, and you can turn the key, if that key is bent or it's not made correctly, you can put it in the key, all you want in that door is not going to open for you. So there's a lot of people who they talk about singing the you or they do this, that whatever to me, I tone it. So for me, it's it's huge too. And I can feel that right in my in my energy field right there. And my whole heart, like, energy field just kind of expands from that perspective. And it's something where it's a very simple thing. But when I work with, with clients with energy healing, it's one of the first things that I have them do is they can look on YouTube, any other places, and they can find like hundreds of when those live streams of 528 hertz, there's all sorts of you know, videos, they can listen to listening to the you know, the Tom frequencies on that. But what I found that's amazing is that, when you have that in tandem with my own innate ability as an energy healer, but then also, they start listening to the healer, or toning, or whatever they do with it for the next 30 days. It's almost like these miracles start popping up in their lives, where they're just like, Wait, how is this even possible? But it's because of the accuracy of the fact that it is 528 hertz, not 522 is not 530? It's 520 Hertz. Exactly. And like this one right here. I have this tuning fork. Probably can't hear that. But it's a tuning fork. That is exactly well, that's oftentimes what's funny about tuning forks is that they are such a high frequency that they oftentimes are not registered on, on like human equipment. And it's funny because sometimes I'll do it like a huge chant with people on a group and my voice and my resonance goes so high in frequency that literally, it's like a dog whistle. They can't even hear me anymore. They're just like, wow, you just went into outer space or something.
Blair Kaplan Venables:Oh, my gosh, I love it. Okay, so Okay, so the 528 hertz, I wrote that down, because and you said, there's like, I just looked on YouTube, while you're saying that there's lots of videos and whatnot. So like, how long everyday should I listen to? Something at 520 hertz, like, and how many days like, Tell me about a practice I could do? Like, what can our listeners do to start vibing at that frequency,
Barbie Layton:ay a huge chance, it was like:Theresa Lambert:I literally cannot wait to start turning that on every every day. No, I'm like, so fascinated. I mean, I'm like, I saved my house, like every like, like, at least every second day. And whenever anybody comes into this space, because it's like a very much a sanctuary for me right now. So I'm keeping it very clean. And I like I just make sure that energy is clean. Like I wash my hands off the client calls, like I have all these practices, but I never heard of this frequency. So I am like, so fascinated. And I can't wait to listen to it. I'm like, can I make it through the end of this bunkhouse episode? Because I'm so intrigued by it. Do you would you say chanting along with it, like chanting with it and sort of having it in a heartbeat sort of VD? Like, sort of brings it into a full embodiment practice of that? Or is the sound itself potent? Enough? Like, would you say doing both is ideal? Or like, what would you say for like a complete, like, you know, beginner like me,
Barbie Layton:however you want, you can also get a tuning fork, that's 520 hertz, and something that you can ping on a regular basis before somebody comes over. And then after they leave as well. And I would say that testing it out to see how that feels, it does reverberate really beautifully. It's something that really feels good into the chest area. Even just like when people chant, um, it's like, very similar thing of where the whole body starts to vibrate, and then you become your own tuning fork. And because we're so electrical and made of water, it's something that really ends up being over you vibrate at that frequency, because you're programming that in. And then I think just like, you know, especially in work environments, of just having it in the background, I mean, it's still I have my white sage, you know, from the Navajo Indians and things like that, that I love to burn as well. But, you know, it can be intense to in that space of where it just kind of, you know, kind of comes in and in that thing, too. And one of the things I'm coming up with a course, which I call science of signs, which is about these downloads that have gone for like the 10 last 10 years, and when I mean downloads, I mean, they're things that come through meditation, or, you know, or when I'm really, really tuning into what the universe is trying to say. And I have never really shared it with people. But there's also fire clearings that are really, really amazing. And that is pretty much done with Epsom salts and rubbing alcohol in like a, you know, like a pie, tin etc. And I originally found out about that when I was at the University of Santa Monica, when we were doing our spiritual psychology because we have these trios, where we would have the counselor, the therapist, and then we'd have the person that just held the space for the the loving space for the people that were clearing their stuff. So we use each other as clients and then you know, we rotated around throughout the day. But as you can imagine, we had like 300 people in the graduate program, and there was some deep stuff that was coming out for people. I mean, some really, really deep stuff. And it was a lot volunteered for five years after the fact where I was reading, you know, graduate papers to will to help support their journeys. And we used to have these people that were called clearing angels. And they would come with one of those aluminum pie tins. And the beauty about the fire clearings is that they're not, you know, they're not, there's no sit, there's no smell, there's no smoke. It's not flammable, I do mine on my actual burner in my kitchen, and I put it on like an old, you know, like a cookie sheet, and I have a Pyrex dish that's glass, but they would actually light that on fire. And depending on how much stuff had to be cleared in the day for what was happening with the depths of the work, sometimes those flames will be two to three feet high. I mean, they were, they were just like massively high, and we were like, Oh my God, you know, because the air would start to feel like really, really like thick. And, and I can't really describe it, but everybody would pick up on it, like, oh, the air is thick, we need to do a clearing. So these clearing angels would do that. But then if there wasn't very much to burn, and there wasn't very much to clear, the flame would be maybe you know, five, six inches, it would burn out in like two to three minutes, whereas the one that's three feet high took me about 15 to 20 minutes. So my inner guidance told me that to take it a step further. And then use it almost like when you're reading tea leaves, or you're looking at coffee grounds or different people that have different divination abilities to to look at things. So I started taking photographs of my clearings. And what I found is that depending on the color that was showing up was basically what was in my space. So it clears my entire, you know, my whole condo is completely cleared with that energy when I do that. But if I have a lot of stuff going on internally, for me, it will take 15 to 20 minutes to burnout if I only have a little bit, maybe take a couple minutes, but then adding the photography effect to it. And I did this with clients as well, where they were burning stuff on the other end for themselves as to what they were doing. So I'm going to add this as a module to my course, we would actually take photographs and like angels, Angel pictures would appear dragon pictures would appear. All these like amazing shapes and forms would start to be able to be in, in these photographs. And some pretty dark stuff too. I'm just not even go there. But it was some like really dark energies of where it's like you've had to clear that energy out. And then think that these beings were coming forward into your fire clearance, were able to help you out. But by distilling it into photographs, it told you exactly what you were working with at the moment. So by being able to teach it to people, and I've never heard of anybody talk about that before. And you guys are the first ones that I'm sharing it with, but it's still one of those things where if you want to, you know basically clean the energy in your space for a really, really big deal. And that's why I like it function way. You don't buy a house or somebody died, like a lot of people are very, you know, like superstitious and they won't go someplace where they know that there's a ghost or you know, the things like that even though I mean there's you know, spirits all around us because the astral plane is only about seven inches higher than we are that's why ghosts are floating around or they appear to be but it's still there a lot of people that have that feeling that an energetic frequency has to be right for them to feel comfortable in their space. And I'm all about that I have crystals all over the place and constantly burning incense and doing other things like that, because it makes me feel happy.
Blair Kaplan Venables:Yes, yes. Okay, first of all, I would say if you've never done the burning, energy clearing on your own, don't try it on your own work with someone like Barbie. Great, because like in my mind, I'm like, I want to go do that. But I'm like probably gonna have like 10 feet high Flims that lasts an hour. So I will not be doing that on my own in my house. But um, you know, I think that's it's so fascinating. And I love that you add like added your own innovative twist to that with the pictures like I mean, I think it's fascinating and there's so like, so much to what you do and we only have you know a certain amount of time in this podcast like how can people work with you that what are the various ways that you work with people that they can tap into this expertise and like passion and lifestyle of yours?
Barbie Layton:Well, I'm definitely go to my website at Barbie leighton.com. So one on ones definitely I've worked with CEOs and help them to be able to, you know, really maximize things I love helping people get dream jobs. I love helping people get their dream house and when people helping people manifest money. And one of the cool things last year was that one of my clearings helped a lady who hadn't conceived a baby for six years who actually gave birth to a baby girl on Christmas Eve with little Santa hat and sent that picture to me, which is amazing. And last week, my most favorite clearing was actually through a text message in a group chat of a town in Alaska that was about ready to get burnt up. And the guy told me please you know, help is a friend of mine. He said please help if you can to the just the group. And I sent out like energy tool to help out and I just said you know what, you guys need to start putting hoses on the on the roof for the water because my grip in Malibu and we have fires. They're like, you know, a lot. My grandfather used to hose down the roof. And they said, Oh, we're in an unincorporated town. We don't have an actual water source. You have to use buckets and I was like, Okay, well, let's pray. for rain, let's let's you know ask the universe for rain to come. And then he sends me an article the next day that says, There was rain last night in the first time, like in months, etc. And he just so he just said, keep whatever you're doing, keep it up and keep, you know, helping out. But it's something that, can I tell you that, you know, I saved a town from burning up? No, I can't tell you that because I don't have definitive quote unquote proof. However, I do know that everything that I said that was going to happen or asking for occurred and I was in tears, I was so moved. And you know, it's like, it's such an honor to be able to allow source energy to come through me to be able to assist people with their, their, you know, their dreams and their goals in life or even with their businesses. And so people can, you know, go into Barbie leighton.com. And they can, they can sign up for that, or I have Calendly link of intuitive Barbie one. And in addition to that, I also have the the Infinity life, the infinity that life, the core wound clearing that is a different price point where people can work with people that I have trained personally. And it's absolutely amazing to watch people transform in eight weeks where they release their actual core wound. And it's like, you get this deprogramming of like, this computer virus has been running you forever, because there's about six to eight actual core wounds that happen when all of us are children. And then we have to just constantly be, you know, working with that same thing. And that's why a lot of times people in relationships, it's like their two year old is coming up against their other two year old. And it's not two adults having a relationship. It's just them, you know, butting up against their core wounds for you know, and that's that's oftentimes difficult and relationships, because you're not dealing with two adults, you're dealing with two toddler gotten their stuff together. So there's that. And then I'm doing this course this week. So I'm planning on publishing, which I'm excited about. And then after that, had people who would like to have the journey continue. So I'm going to be offering an eight week course of where I'll do a live q&a with the group. And what we're going to do is we're going to actually track everybody's signs of the way that the universe is communicating with them personally. And by being able to, like accelerate that where you start to see that your life is going in this positive direction or negative direction. And I don't think, excuse me, I know there's a lot of books on like Angel numbers and dream dictionaries and things like that. But that's generic that that you can't just say, Oh, 555 is transformation. Well, 555 could have been like your dad's, you know, Jersey, from his racecar driving days, where every time you see race, you know, the five by five, it's your dad, it's not transformation. So I teach people and I've taught people already, how to decipher the signs of the universe is talking to you all the time. And I was like this, you know, my mom used to go on these trips. And she'd always be like, What are you doing all the time. So I was kind of like a little, like a note, court reporter like little pad with me everywhere I go, because it's constantly writing out little notes. And even when you and I were in New York, where one of the things that was amazing is that
Barbie Layton:I saw a documentary about the building in New York that was built that has that glass cantilever that like the, you know, the triangle on it, and that there's a million pound pendulum inside of it, that holds it from making it, you know, not sway, but it needs to sway in that direction of wherever it goes. Otherwise, the skyscraper breaks. And they were talking about how they, you know, took it apart in Italy, it was at pieces, they put it on the ground, and then they knew that it was gonna be able to be cantilevered and it's kind of an angle. And I was just tripping out on this buildings. I was like, everything starts in your imagination, like everything, every single thing that's out there, like my shirt was in someone's imagination, you know, your, your glasses with someone's design, etc. Your t shirt, you know, say everything was someone's imagination. And there's so many different versions and realities on this planet and beyond. And so, in my hotel room at the W was on the 55th floor, and from my bed with my window, I saw the reflection of our billboard, which made us look at cartoons just share the video with everybody. It was hilarious. So all night long, I got to see our billboard. But that building was the only building I could see. From my room. It was like literally, if I'd been to the left of the Nether room, I wouldn't have seen it if I'd been to the writing of it. I wouldn't have seen it. But that to me is when the universe is telling me like you go girl you're on course you stay on course you're on track you're on track. Yeah, you know that building and you were looking at which is like this giant, you know, spiritual pendulum. I mean, they're doing spiritual seven architecture in New York, and any with a million pound pendulum because a lot of us you know, I work with pendulums. And it's, you know, it's totally fun. But that was this big message to me like you're in the right spot. You just keep on going. And I think that's where getting those signs from the universe, synchronicities and all these beautiful things that happen. I heard all the time that whole entire weekend. Oh, my flight was canceled. My flight was delayed. I didn't get this. I didn't get that but you lost your luggage. I mean, there was a lot of like negativity with people with having to do with planes and stuff like that. And I just keep affirming like nope, clear transmute. My flight is going to be on time. Everything's going to be beautiful, etcetera. I had such a beautiful time on my way to New York. Everything was on time. On my way back. I had a free you know, they were giving me free wine. It was just you know, it was on JetBlue A shout out. Well, they were awesome. But everything was perfectly on time and all went exactly the way it did. Can I say that I manifested that? Not necessarily. But every time I heard somebody say something negative about that kind of stuff, I redirected my thoughts into saying like, okay, yes, that's someone else's experience. And I'm not denying their experience, but clear transmit that doesn't need to be mine. And so I think that's what I really, really help people is to kind of refocus themselves back into what do you want? Like, let's fire up your dreams? Most people after 40? They lose them? Or like what dreams? What do you mean dreams? I, I got married at 2.5 Kids, I did this. I did that. I'm a doctor. Now. It does. Yeah. So what So you went to medical school? That's not your passion. And you don't like to do that? Why do you want to do that for 30 more years, go find out what you really love to do, and then find the way the universe commoditize it for you. So that's, that's for me what as you can probably hear, it just gets me really, really psyched and excited. Because I love to be of service to people and help facilitate their dreams, and then allow that abundance mindset to be contagious for myself and others.
Theresa Lambert:So juicy. This is so good. And you know, I mean, I'm in like my own, like spiritual awakening right now. And really leaning into like, the thing that I keep coming back to over and over is like, for me, it's really faith, like, unwavering FAITH that I've stepped into. And things are happening. And I keep seeing Angel numbers. And like all these things, and for me, it's just a sign that says, you're on the right path, keep walking on the path. And when things come in my space, I deal with it, I do the work. I work through it, like, you know, and I like you said, like, it's always choosing to go back to the battle, it's really the better feeling thoughts in some way. And coming back to what that well being is to make sure that I have the capacity energetically to be able to build what I'm trying to build into navigate what I'm navigating. So I love this all so much. And I would love to know, as we're wrapping this up Bobby's like on somebody's path, to to manifestation on somebody's path to to really making their dreams come true success, whichever you want to call it. What's one thing that you would give them as a piece of advice for where to start? Like, where do we begin with this journey?
Barbie Layton:t some point in time, I think:Barbie Layton:become world renowned, was in:Theresa Lambert:Thank you so much for sharing all that, that I feel like there was so much impact of what you share with our listeners today. And I really like I feel like this is one of those episodes that I would like recommend listening to a couple of times, because you'll pick up like different things throughout. And you know, one of the things about what you just shared with where we can get started, and then the credit to practice and like you said so many incredible things, is I've actually just picked up the surrender experiment by Michael a singer. And one of the things that really resonated and that sort of reminded me of what you just said is that life has the universe has some really incredible things in store for us. And one habit that I've been practicing with that and it's what you just said, like sometimes we don't even know how good it can get. And it's always this idea of it's going to be this or something even better, like it's going to be this or something even better, to to remain open to the possibility of what else could come in and what a beautiful way to, to go about life right to say the universe has some really amazing things and so fast can we allow ourselves to receive them and to see them and to put do the work to be in the frequency of being able to receive it and actually get this so fascinating. So powerful. Bobby, thank you so much. I feel like Blair wants to say a couple more words, I feel
Blair Kaplan Venables:I just wanted to say thank you so much Barbie. Like every time you talk, there's such depth to your words. It's not, you know, a very, it's never like a very surface level answer. And you always get me thinking and I've definitely like been taking some notes about things I want to start implementing today. And I really hope our listeners, you know, can pause and rewind or pause and go back and listen to some of the stuff you're saying because you've just provided so much insight. And I really do want to invite our listeners like check out Barbies website like you want to, you know, follow her watch her show. Work with her like she really she can really show you how to uplevel your life and live better, like be a better version of you. And it's been such a pleasure to get to know Barbie over the last 778 months. And you know her and I are involved in this project and we've decided we're probably friends for life and we are friends for life not probably and I just want to thank you for coming on to dissecting success and for sharing like very tip of the iceberg of your knowledge and wisdom with us and our listeners. So thank you, Barbie.
Barbie Layton:Thank you guys, Anna. Many blessings to all of your audience members. And hopefully there were a couple of nuggets that you'll take into your own life and just make it more exciting because, like, why not? Why not sit around and be playing fun and childlike wonder and suspend disbelief and what have you got to lose? Right, exactly.
Blair Kaplan Venables:And thank you to everyone for tuning in to another episode of dissecting success. We'll be back in your ears next Tuesday. Every Tuesday you get a little bit more of me Teresa and her fabulous community.
Theresa Lambert:That's a wrap for another episode of dissecting success. enjoyed this episode. Make sure to subscribe to Blair Kaplan, Venables and Theresa Lambert's podcast dissecting success on the App Store.