What does it mean to you to live your dream? Do you tend to set goals and achieve them? In this week’s episode B+T chat about realizing your dreams and what it means to each of them as they record from Argentina and Portugal. Let’s begin…
You ever wonder what success actually means? How do you get it? And how do you keep it?
Theresa Lambert:We all want it yet sometimes it feels only some of us get to have it.
Blair Kaplan Venables:t's be real for a hot minute.:Theresa Lambert:Can you put it in a box?
Blair Kaplan Venables:How can you get it?
Theresa Lambert:Can people take it away? Or are you the one with the power?
Blair Kaplan Venables:Does it mean the same to all of us? Or are we the ones that create it?
Theresa Lambert:From PGA golf pros to doctors, CEOs, entrepreneurs and spiritual mentors. We get together to meet with successful people from around the globe to dissect success for vibrant conversations and interviews. Make sure you click the subscribe button on the app store because each week we will drop a new episode to bust through the myths around success and dissect its true meaning.
Theresa Lambert:Hello, hello, and welcome back to an episode of dissecting success. I am Theresa Lambert. From buenos aires Argentina, and I am here with the fabulous Blair Kaplan Venables who is tuning in from Portugal, from all places, we are in Europe, we are in Argentina, we are basically spread across the globe. And he'll be up. Here we are. And both of us continue to realize our creatives dreams, our creative desires, our creatives, ambitions, goals, visions, all of it. And as I was sharing about myself coffee experience, in bonus Iris a couple of days ago, I went for a big walk through the city and it was so fun, I walked for like four hours and my feet hurt so much by the end of it, but it was amazing. I went to have coffee, a latte are so good. And they give you a little water you know, it's like proper, like coffee service anyways, like coffee culture is such a thing. And I started drinking coffee again a few months after years of not drinking coffee. And it was just such a vibe to sit down this cobblestone street with this coffee and taking it in and realizing that um, then then I create his real and, and blog commented on the post as he does, as we support each other in business. And she said, If you dream it and you walk, you work towards it, you'll get there. And I said let's talk about it. So here we are talking about that, because that is so true. I think so many of us don't even allow ourselves to dream sometimes. Or maybe we allow ourselves to dream. But then we we feel like it's unattainable. And we can't get there. Instead of just choosing to take the action and walk towards it. And funnily enough, just this morning, I rift on fearlessness on my Instagram, because it kind of ties into that a little bit too. But ultimately, it's really true. If you have a dream, if you have a vision if you have a goal if you have a ambition if you have a desire to do something or to experience something or to be in a different place or to have a different result. What it really takes is your conscious effort to everyday choose to take an action to walk towards it until you get there and you will get there. You will get there. But most people give up long before they get there or don't even start so if you're listening and you're one of two people who started freaking congrats, we are celebrating you. And if you are there already and you've realized some of your dreams, hell yes. Let us know tag us at Blair from Berlin the net Theresa Lambert coaching on our socials and celebrate with us we want to know and if you have a dream, but you aren't walking right now, then I think this conversation might light a fire on your ass. What do you think let's,
Blair Kaplan Venables:. So, August:Theresa Lambert:What's a dream versus a goal?
Blair Kaplan Venables:Like, I think like, I was just trying to think about this, and I'm, maybe we'll say sector of it.
Theresa Lambert:Um, I would say that a goal is more specific, like a goal can be more specific, like, you really like, for example, you might dream of living by the beach. But your goal is to own a beach house in Costa Rica. Those are rough. Yeah, I can think of like a place, but like you, you don't just have like, oh, I dream of living by the beach, but you you are very specific about I have a goal to own a house by the beach in this location, which it makes it more specific, which actually helps you to create almost more of an emotional connection to the thing, right, so the more specific you are, sometimes the more we can feel into the possibility of that goal actually coming to fruition. But a dream to me is more than an idea whether we're as a goal is something more concrete. But I do think that the two can blend in that sense that for me was always a dream to come back to wellness iris and it wasn't a specific goal I had but it just so happened to come to fruition for the summer of change and making these big life decisions and life changes and me saying well did I want to go back and I was like I've always wanted to come back to Argentina was a dream to come back here and to spend more time here in Buenos Aires and and then I looked it up and turned out that it was easy. And love that like it wasn't easy to get your ultimate please because I went through a lot of hoops but the second I looked it up I was like this is actually attainable and and financially it's very economical to be here. For me it actually cost me less to live here than it would in BC Canada and Whistler where I was living so I am living my dream I'm in an apartment with an incredible few I get the sun rise and the sunset I am exactly the place I want it to be in bonus IRAs I've been here for this is day four. It's only day four. I feel like I've been here for weeks. So in so many ways this is a dream come true for me. And but it's also become very tangible. So it's almost like there was a dream that turned into a specific goal. The moment I decided I was going to make it happen. So that's how I would Yeah, I
Blair Kaplan Venables:love that. I think you did a really great job explaining that? And as I usually do, I Googled it. So. So dreams are something you create in your mind that can take any shape or form. While goals are based on taking action, right, so your dream was to like you wanted to never say you want to spend your summer sorry winters in Argentina, I remember, like, when I met you, you're always like, I want to spend my winter Argentina. But your goal was, once you made some big life changes a few months back, you're like, you know what, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna make it my goal, I'm gonna get there, and it was getting your passport, book a flight. And then you did it. So like, there's the high level, and it's the high level dream. And I think dreams and manifestations also work hand in hand. And I, you know, I really do believe anyone can do anything. I mean, like, obviously, within the limits, I can be like, Oh, I wish I can grow wings, in like, fly with the doves. Like, I can't do that. So realistically. But like, if you want to do something bad enough, you can dream it and work towards it, like you have a dream and going into outer space, we'll figure out what kind of credentials you need and work towards it. Right? Is that something that's actually possible for you. And like, you can have all these crazy ideas, but like, I feel like every time I set a goal, I achieve it. I literally can't think of a time I've had a dream or a goal and not achieved it. Because if you want it bad enough, you're gonna get it.
Theresa Lambert:Yeah, and, and I actually, I think there's a very important piece right here. And it's interesting that we're talking about this, because I just shared an episode called the missing link between being an energetic match and actually doing the thing, like manifesting the thing into existence, if you will, like talking about what we need to do an action really comes down to action. So some of what you just said, you can truly do anything like there is a realm of endless possibility out there. And no matter how big or crazy your dream might be, imagine what the past and thoughts that invented electricity, or the light bulb, or a car back then was ridiculous. Running water, a toilet. You know, we look at all these things now that seem completely normal. But back then, people were thrown into like crazy asylums and declared crazy for some of these inventions that they had, because they came up with these things like the telephone, talk to somebody who's in a different part of a city from your like, setting completely insane, right? So I think if we put it in context of history, and you start looking at it that way, and you start to realize that there is an endless amount of possibility to avail. But there's really only potential, because nothing is even the things that you think, you know, you don't really know unless they happen right in this moment in time, like me having this conversation with you right now. That's the only certainty I have, right? Because it's happening right in this moment. Anything that happens in an hour from now that I don't know, I don't actually know exactly what's going to happen. I can have an idea of it. But that's it. So I think that if we approach it from this perspective, that there is only potential and possibility for us. But what we really got to do is get clear on what's that thing that we actually want, but like what do we actually want like for you to say? It's always been my goal, right? Like you have all these goals and you say you do it and then you do it and I'm very much like that if I have a goal. And if I really feel deeply pulled towards something like I had this hunch about Argentina for so long. And then it literally clicked in on like a Saturday evening. Me sitting journaling reflecting and being like, well, what would I want to go but where could I live? And I was like, I couldn't live in Coronavirus. And then I looked it up and then I took the action and then I was like well actually, it cost me half of what it would cost me to live in BC. So not only is it in the realm of possibility, financially, like if I would look at it from a logical perspective, but like it makes complete sense.
Blair Kaplan Venables:And yeah, and non
Theresa Lambert:nonsensical way so but I took the actions I took the actions and you take the action, right. It's like you decided that you wanted to be an international speaker. Yeah. And you didn't just sit at home and say I feel incredible to be an international speaker and sitting on your sofa cross legged manifesting becoming an energetic match for it right like you didn't just be like I am this is going to happen. No you declare Let it and you said this is a burning desire, this is something that I really want. This is a way for me to be able to share my mission, my vision, my purpose, my message, and inspire the people. And I can do it for being on stages and through speaking, and I want to speak internationally. So let's start taking action today to move me towards that, and you continue to keep going until you're there. And, and that is the difference between somebody who says, I want to be an international speaker. But then procrastinates and thinks about it all the time. And you are someone like you, who then says, Okay, well, let's start today. Yeah, let's start today. And then you move with that, right? Like there has to
Blair Kaplan Venables:be there has to be action.
Theresa Lambert:There has to be action. There's got to be action.
Blair Kaplan Venables:Yeah, like this is not a virtual reality, where we're sitting down with a headset, and like, there's this fake world happening, like, we can have dreams and goals, all we want. But if we're not doing anything to move the needle, whether it's a little like a little leg, or a big poop, like moving the needle, it's so imperative.
Theresa Lambert:So imperative, and I believe in the power of manifestation I believe in, in spirituality, I believe that there is a greater force moving all of us and that we're really just like little tiny pieces in a big like plot. And that ultimately, it is about, you know, the self actualization and self actualization and like oneness, and like, there's so much that I believe around that. But at the same time, I also know that I have to move within that, like, you got to move, you got to take an action now, to move towards that no matter what you feel, or no matter what you feel, or no matter how hard it gets. Because, you know, quite honestly, you have had a lot of reasons to not keep pursuing this dream, you have had a lot of reasons to stop showing up, you've had so many reasons to give up and say, Screw this, I am out. I don't want to do this anymore. And instead, you chose to, to deepen your own resilience and strength, and these these themes that you've had, and the goals that you have, have inspired you to keep going and to keep taking action when there has been times or is times. Sometimes you probably rather stay in bed and hide from the weld and never surfaced again.
Blair Kaplan Venables:Yeah. And that is an accurate feeling I've had but you have these choices, like do you keep moving forward? Or do you face plant in a dirt dirty ditch? Right, like what do you what are your choices? Like, you can give up? What does giving up even mean? What does it look like? Or you keep going? And I think it's okay to pause. It's okay to take a break. It's okay to slow down. Like, what I've really realized is that because listening out there to sorry, what I've been like speaking weirdly, I'm really tired. Okay, so what I was gonna say is, for those of you out there listening who don't know me very well, like I'm not that old. I'm not that young. Like I'm 37. But I've been I've been like accomplishing some pretty cool things. And like my career, my business I was, I keep saying My business is 14 and a half years old, 14 years old, but I think it's like 14 and a half now which is crazy that I'm coming up to my 15 year anniversary. Like that's like, I got a learner's permit like my my business can almost drive so wild. But I think what was what I realized is that I was setting goals and achieving them working really hard at achieving goals and I was setting goals and achieving them at a faster rate and pace. And I have this epiphany recently while going through all these traumas like the loss of the parents and Shane almost dying and the miscarriage like what is my rush like, why am I trying to pack so much in so fast? And what was happening was I was dreaming things setting goals and achieving them but not taking time to celebrate them not taking time to let it sink in. And let like in celebrating myself and what I realized it was like why am I in such a rush? Like why am I in such a rush to get these, these checkmarks this like it was instant gratification. And you know, I had to sit back and be like I can still have these dreams and goals but I can focus on moving the needle slower I don't have to pump the needle forward so fast to get to the goals. And I can also balance it out by enjoying my life. And I can have all these wild and crazy dreams right now I don't have wild and crazy dreams like I see myself living like on a river with lots of windows I see myself traveling a lot which I'm already doing but traveling always traveling in business class which is slowly making my way up. I had a Premium Economy seat and that felt very bougie and I loved it. I'm like okay, I don't know if I could ever travel long distances without that but you know, and so like I have these certain like benchmarks but I'm not in a rush to achieve them because I always To realize there's more to life than work. There's more to life than just being in front of a computer being on calls speaking, I want to spend time with my cats. And my sister and like my family and my husband, I know, my husband just came like third or fourth, but like, he's up there. Like, I want to, I want to do these things, I want to rest, I want to rest, I want to be creative, I want to be in the woods, I don't want to fill every minute of my day with work. And when I do fill every minute of my day with work and work, those really long hours work on my days off, I achieve goals faster, but there's no satisfaction associated with it. So I think it's important that when you have these dreams and goals, you know, it's not just about setting a goal, or having a dream, setting a goal and achieving it. But like, what is what's the point of achieving that goal? How are you going to feel when you have that dream? And then you achieve that dream as a goal? What how is your life going to be better? You know, for me, it's like some of these things I've done. It's like a credential. It's like, Hey, did this cool check. But it's not like celebrating I'm in Forbes or selling, you know, like, I'm, you know, I'm even still having trouble celebrating the fact that I was on a billboard in Times Square. And that was never a dream. That was never a goal. It just happened. And it's fucking cool. And so like, what I'm going to do is make a big print out on a canvas and hang it in my office, and like, just to remind myself like, holy shit, and badass. So there's more to dreams than just what happens with the dream. And the goal is setting the goal and achieving it, but it's like, then what, like, how is your life going to be better? Once you've done that? How are you going to be empowered, up leveled? How are you going to, you know, have that momentum in your career in your life? Like, what's that goal going to do for you and future you.
Theresa Lambert:I love that. I love that it's, it's this thing to write like, right now I am living my dream. Like, I am literally living my dream right now, which was to be traveling and working. But to your point that you just made for me, it's really also been about having the space and time to really have these experiences, like creating, like making changes to summon my business and changing things worked to be able to open up more space. So I have more time to be create, explore, and enjoy the space because I was really using my business as a way of escaping from everything that I didn't like about my life. And because I love what I do, it's so easy for me to escape into my creativity, and into my work. But it just becomes another unhealthy pattern that we create, right. And so being here this week, I intentionally blocked out my week, to leave a ton of space, so that I could go and spend like, you know, I think I was like Out and About for like seven hours all up on Wednesday. And just like walk right, like just walk around and do these things and enjoy it and, and to have the weekends and to really be immersed and to a different culture and other things. And so I think the thing that came through for me as you were saying that is like what does it actually mean to you to live your dream? You know, like like asking ourselves this question like what does it mean to you to live your dream? What do you see yourself doing? How does it feel to live your dream? How does it feel when you get there because I've done so many things in my life that were incredible. I've created tremendous amounts of success and I've also gotten to that level and felt nothing felt no content and no enjoyment but I felt burned out and exhausted and empty on the inside and so I know for me now I feel peace and contentment and satisfaction and freedom and and a sense of adventure and ease that I've never have in my life and it's incredible but like that but I really consciously have to make choices to create that and take actions that align with that and if I don't it's very easy to to fall back into patterns that are ultimately not connecting me with that so I love that you mentioned that because it's not just about the the external goals you know, the chasing the next thing for me really the focus right now is now be the present in the moment that I'm in rather than constantly chasing what's next.
Blair Kaplan Venables:Yeah, I love that. And I love that like because we've been on a journey together and I love that's how you're feeling because right now all I feel is sweaty and jet lagged My bags are lost again. Yes my check my carry on was checked because cuz I couldn't deal with it. It was like 4am. And yeah, I was in Warsaw poor saw Poland, Warsaw. And yeah, the KLM staff was like, You need to check that. I was like, Okay, we'll make it they said, Yeah, they made it it just like a hazard arrived at my, at my friend's house. But um, I think what you just touched on was important. Like, it's, it's not about, like what you want to do, but how you want to feel. And so to wrap up this conversation, I want to invite you the listener to think about how do you want to feel? And what about setting dreams and goals based around the way you want to feel? So think about future you whether it's tomorrow, next year, five years, 10 years? How do you want to feel? Right? I know some of us like the fast paced, you know, rat race, or you call it the rat wheel, the hamster wheel. Some of us want to feel happy and calm. I know I want to feel happy and calm and loved. Like, what kind of life can I create that allows me to feel that in my personal and professional life. And I want to thank you for tuning in to another episode of dissecting success. Theresa over in Argentina, me currently in Porto, Portugal. And you know what, we're gonna do this again next week. Same time, same place. Thanks, everyone.
Theresa Lambert:That's a wrap for another episode of dissecting success. enjoyed this episode. Make sure to subscribe to Blair Kaplan Venables and Theresa Lambert's podcast dissecting success on the App Store.