Social Media: What I do and When


Some of you are curious about what I do on social media when so I thought I’d give you a snapshot of how I fit social media into my work week. I don’t post to every social media account for every client, every day but I try to post to Faccebook, Twitter, Instagam, Google+ and LinkedIn, for myself, at least 5 time a week. Every day and every week is different but this is the general template that I try and follow:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 6am-7am I’m at the gym. While I’m warming up on the bike I check my email and social media accounts. If there is something urgent to attend to, I make that a priority. Once I review everything I put the phone down and enjoy me time.

Tuesday and Thursday my alarm goes off at 6:50am and I check my email and social accounts from bed. My phone is my alarm and it’s just a natural reaction for my arm to grab my phone and begin to scroll.

Daily between 7am and 8am I get ready for my day and start work and this is how I divvy out the weekly tasks:

Monday – Monitor and post to all accounts I manage. Each client has a different audience so posting times are throughout the day and I set an alarm on my phone to remind me when to post. I browse social media (mostly Instagram, Twitter and Facebook) up to 6 times a day to find content to curate to clients. I begin to write and edit content for Tuesday’s posts to my BKC blog and LinkedIn.

Tuesday – Monitor and post to all accounts I manage. Browse social media up to 6 times a day to find content to curate to clients. Post to BKC blog and to LinkedIn.

Wednesday – Monitor and post to all accounts I manage. Browse social media up to 6 times a day to find content to curate to clients. Write social media content for following week. Send all of next week’s content to clients who need to approve before posting. Post to personal blog.

Thursday – Monitor and post to all accounts I manage. Browse social media up to 6 times a day to find content to curate to clients.

Friday – Monitor and post to all accounts I manage. Browse social media up to 6 times a day to find content to curate to clients. Schedule social media posts for over the weekend (Hootsuite). Receive approval and missing content from clients for the following week.

Weekend – I may browse social media on my downtime but in the summer I try to disconnect and spend time in places without wifi or a phone signal.

Daily – 5pm- onward is when I get home I like to ride my bike, hang out with friends and relax. I spend time exploring my favourite blogs and social streams and if I come across content I’d like to post for myself or clients I bookmark it for the following day or post it immediately, if it’s a time sensitive subject.

Because, at times, I’m managing multiple brands I find that creating a system was crutial in me staying organized. How do you keep your social media organized?



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