What is a Launch? 

How do you launch your program & services successfully? 

With a love for the launch and passion to support you, Blair and Theresa dive into the strategy around a launch, aka an opportunity for you to share excitement about your programs and services and sell them like hotcakes! Sharing the experience of having their first-ever multiple 5-figure launch together for Momentum, Blair + Theresa’s exclusive business strategy + mentorship program, they dive into the depths of launching online in this episode and drop some incredible wisdom that will help you launch your next program with the success you deserve. 

Want to come and learn from us. Enrollment for our 6-month business strategy and mentorship program Momentum is open for cohort 2 starting January 2022. Find out more at https://www.theresalambertcoaching.com/momentum

Desire to dive deeper to learn the strategy, tools, tech, and execution of an online launch? Come join Theresa for her next full day Intensive Launched on September 24th https://www.theresalambertcoaching.com/Launched

Desire to learn from Blair how to take your social media to the next level? Learn how to join her upcoming Empowerment Program https://blairkaplan.ca/learn/

About the Hosts:

Blair Kaplan Venables is an expert in social media marketing and the president of Blair Kaplan Communications, a British Columbia-based PR agency. As a pioneer in the industry, she brings more than a decade of experience to her clients, which includes global wellness, entertainment, and lifestyle brands. Blair has helped her customers grow their followers into the tens of thousands in just one month, win integrative marketing awards, and more. She has spoken on national stages and her expertise has been featured in media outlets including CBC Radio, CEOWORLD Magazine, She Owns It, and Thrive Global. Blair is also the #1 best-selling author of Pulsing Through My Veins: Raw and Real Stories from an Entrepreneur. When she’s not working on the board for her local chamber of commerce, you can find Blair growing the “I Am Resilient Project,” an online community where users share their stories of overcoming life’s most difficult moments.


Theresa Lambert is a High-Performance Lifestyle and Success Coach, Speaker, and Bestselling Author of “Achieve with Grace: A guide to elegance and effectiveness in intense workplaces. She founded her coaching and consulting firm, Theresa Lambert Coaching & Consulting Inc., to help ambitious women succeed with more elegance and less struggle so they can lead with focus and nourish themselves to the top. Drawing from her nearly 20 years of experience in the hospitality industry and most recently her 6-year tenure as the General Manager of Nita Lake Lodge she brings both a real world view and proven applicable tools to support her clients. Theresa has been recognized as a business leader in Whistler’s Profiles of Excellence, featured in Thrive Global, Authority Magazine, Hotelier Magazine, and Beyourown, and spoken at Women in Hospitality Leadership events, including Empower Her. Originally from Stuttgart, Germany, Theresa now lives in Whistler, BC where you can most often find her on the golf course in the summer months or relaxing by a fireplace in winter.



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Blair Kaplan-Venables:

Ever wonder what success actually means?

Theresa Lambert:

How do you get it?

Blair Kaplan-Venables:

And how do you keep it?

Theresa Lambert:

We all want it yet sometimes it feels only some of us get to have it.

Blair Kaplan-Venables:

Hi, Teresa and Blair here. We are two badass entrepreneurs, best selling authors, coaches and business mentors who have had success, built success, questioned our own success and reclaimed it. Let's be real for a hot minute. 2020 has been a roller coaster ride, and many of us started to wonder if they'll lose the things that made them successful. So we got curious, raw and real about what success is truly about?

Theresa Lambert:

Can you put it in a box?

Blair Kaplan-Venables:

How can you get it?

Theresa Lambert:

Can people take it away? Or are you the one with the power?

Blair Kaplan-Venables:

Does it mean the same to all of us? Or are we the ones that creat it?

Theresa Lambert:

from PGA golf pros to doctors, CEOs, entrepreneurs and spiritual mentors. We got together to meet with successful people from around the globe to dissect success for vibrant conversations and interviews. Make sure you click the subscribe button on the app store because each week we will drop a new episode to bust through the myths around success and dissect its true meaning.

Blair Kaplan-Venables:

Hey, it's Blair Kaplan Venables here, another episode of dissecting success. This is take two because I was Tongue Tied because I was so excited to say it is me Blair here with Teresa Lambert. And we've been talking about what we want to talk about, we have this whole, this whole idea of of things we want to talk about on these podcasts. And we were coming into this with one topic, but you know what we're going to talk about, we're going to talk about launching, like not going into outer space like Richard Branson, or Elon Musk, no, no, launching your products, launching your programs. And we're just gonna dive into that a bit more, because you've been following us. You've been listening to us, you've been, you know, seeing what's going on in our newsletters on social media, you've been, you know, plugging in once a week to hear what's going on in our worlds. And we've done some amazing things, we've done launches separately, we've been part of launches together, you know, Teresa and I launched momentum around a time that was very personally difficult for me. And we did a multiple five figure launch. And I was only able to be half in I you know, I did some really soft bit soft launches with a lot of numbers. You know, Theresa has some really great successes as well. So we want to dive in, we want to dissect success and the success of a launch. So without further ado, hi, hello, Teresa.

Theresa Lambert:

Hulu. So fun. I mean, I love talking about launching programs and services and podcasts and all things launching. And I honestly think that sometimes when people even hear this word, like a launch something, it can be this overwhelming thing to people, you know, they're like, oh my god launching now I have to do all these things. And so you know, that like my style is to make launches super fun and fabulous. And you get to just show up and, and you know, be you and deliver value and VDB excited about what's coming up, you know, our programs and stuff, like everything that you and I do, lights us up. So spending a couple of weeks talking about one specific thing is like no problem for me, because I can talk about it, like all day long. But so what is our launch, I think we kind of need to stop that, like what is a launch and for me, you know, in in very like in a very like short way. For me, a launch is an opportunity for you to share excitement, and opportunity for like about your programs and services that will help people get from where they are right now to where they want to be in that business. And that life and the health of their social media, with their marketing with their brand with their finances. Around success, right? Whatever it is, you have an opportunity to take people on a journey with you and show them what's possible when they come and join you in one of your fabulous programs, services, even with your products, right so, so it's really an opportunity to showcase like, you know, and you were talking about going into space, and think of the excitement and the hype and all of these things about actually making this happen. And so that's the excitement and the vibe and the energy you want to bring when you're launching stuff and you can hear I love launching. So I get all like animated because and you can't see me but I'm like literally like waving my arms around and you know, it's just so fun. It gets to be so so so so so so fun.

Blair Kaplan-Venables:

Okay, I love that and you are like Ultimate hype girl. And I've learned a lot of my launch tactics from you and from a publicity coach and from watching what other professionals do and from doing what's right for me. So let's even break it down even further a launch is your end goal is potentially a program or a course. And you are trying to get people into this course or the by this product. So it's all the activities and all the things you do that lead up to this big purchase to this rocket launching. And sometimes that's hyping up a free masterclass and then hyping up a challenge and then hyping up another masterclass and then doing a two day workshop or conference, and then selling into a really big program. There's all these different rungs like picture like a ladder, a ladder, you're climbing this ladder to this big fluffy cloud in the sky. I mean, I guess it's kind of like a rocket lunch, but I like big fluffy clouds like a Simpsons cloud. And we're now on this golden ladder. And your goal is to get to that top of that Simpsons cloud. And that Simpsons cloud is that, let's just give it a number, we'll say $10,000. That's a $10,000. program or service. And it can be anything, it can be $100 $500 $10,000, whatever it might be. But your goal is essentially to funnel people in to make them a true fan. Make them a true believer, show them the way, show them what you can do to give their business momentum to give their business a velocity, and have them climb up each rung of that golden ladder, to get to that fluffy cloud to get them into that program or purchase that product. And Theresa Theresa does a great job. She's like the ultimate hype girl. Like I said, I feel like you know you're in that movie, Bring it on, like a cheerleader, who's just so stoked all the time. And so why don't you know you're in the middle of a launch at the time of recording this. I feel like you're always launching. I mean, I think let's walk through a process like you want to walk us through your formula, and from start to finish, and what everything is funneling into, you know, the next thing. And you know, if you've never done this, and you're curious about it, like, stop what you're doing, pull the car over, pull out a notepad, get your phone ready, take some notes, because Teresa, is the Wizard of the odds. Is wizard as a female wizard, I don't know you are the wizard, this wizard wizard. So

Theresa Lambert:

I don't know. But I can be the wizardess of launching. I

Blair Kaplan-Venables:

You are the launch wizard. Not the Launch lizard.

Theresa Lambert:

I love it. Yeah, you know, launching, you know, I think to what you just described, you know, having people climb up this golden that ladder ladder have a hard times on little fluffy cloud. To me. It's like an invisible path. And it's really all like rooted in based around, you know, what's more formally known as a client journey. But if you look up client journey, you're probably going to feel overwhelmed and want to run. So please don't look it up. Just forget about it. But really, you know, it's our ability to lead people through our process. It allows us to feel really comfortable, because we always know what's next. We always know what we send people to next, and everything builds upon each other. So there's office stacking, and all these other like cool things. And Funny enough, the program that I'm launching right now, which is cultivate is all about actually teaching you how to do all of these things, and and how to make sure that you have these foundational pieces, Cornerstone foundational pieces implemented in your business. But it's also things that we actually take our clients through that are in our momentum courts and will again, come January, because it's so critical to have these tools because you really need a strategy to sell. Right? And why do we need a strategy to sell? The reason why you want a strategy to sell is because if you are clear on your process, if you know what you're doing, if you're setting yourself up for success on your end, you're actually able to show up in the process. Okay, because so often what I see is people freak out, what do they send out? What do I sent them to, like they start out launches with no plan. And the problem is when we don't have a plan, we don't trust a process and we don't trust the process. We come across as like crazy and overwhelmed and like, we just you know, it's just not going to work. So we need a sales strategy. We need a process so that even when you're in launch mode all the time, I love being in launch mode, it actually becomes just a way you do business right over and over and you don't always have to come up with new things. So let me take you for like 10 days. Like imagine like we're going on a 10 day journey together. Okay, like, here's where you want to start. Blair has already alluded to this, but like, I love myself some hype. Like if you're hyping things up for me and this is the beginning of a launch like hyping something's coming. I've been working on this behind the scene footage. What are you working on? Where are you Going What are you eating? Who are you being in the background? And what are you preparing for? I can't help it but just lean in, like when people hype untangle like a carrot in front of me. But like, you know, it's like, here it is, but I don't tell you what it is. I just,

Blair Kaplan-Venables:

I got to interrupt. I'm just gonna give you a little testimonial there. She's fucking telling the truth because there's been times where she's like, Blair, I don't even know what this product is. But this person sold it so good. And it's a mystery product that I bought it. Was it Melanie and lamb? Yeah, you've done that before

Theresa Lambert:

the invisible offer? Yes, I will buy without knowing anything if you do it. Well. I mean, you know, you say I'm the hype queen. Let me tell you like, this woman is like phenomenal. Like you can look up at alpha fam on the Instagram, I would highly recommend checking her out like, She's amazing. I will just say that I am a big Melanie and lay a fan. Let's get her on our pod. Let's get her on the pot. But we digress. Yes. Anyways, we but So anyways, hyping right like hyping. Let people know what's coming. People love to see what you're up to. People love to see what you're up to right and blab always talk about, you know, social social media and engaging with you people hype stage at the beginning. First one to three days of a launch is a prime time to engage with people to get them to ask questions, to have stickers in your story's right. And like, this is where I love having Blair like on my like team momentum. I just love that she covers all those things. And you know, I've learned so much from her and how I can actually make this hype phase more engaging for myself. So we work so well together, because we're constantly learning from each other, which is just so awesome. So hype fast couple of days. And then the next thing you want to do is really, you know, you position your program. So once you've hype people up, right, you really want to get to a point where you drop your branding, what the hell is dropping your branding, okay, dropping your branding is very simple, it's vd to fast time, you're introducing your community, your followers on social media, the people that are on your email list straight like your people to your program, meaning there was some sort of a branded krafcik that has the name of your program, and maybe a short tagline if you have it. And that's really well, we want to introduce, I have like some deeper strategy on how I drop branding for free offers and paid offers or multiple month offers, they're all slightly different, I give them a different flavor, because it's important to pattern interrupt as well with your marketing so that people actually get drawn in. So you know, we do want to be cohesive and our brand. But at the same time, we also want to interrupt patterns on our Instagram, whatever. So there's different ways we can do that. Can't go into that right now. It will be here for like flowers. Did the next thing. So we dropped the branding. And then the next day VTX on day usually that's like day five, depending on how long you run it. This is where you have an opportunity to go live, talk about your program, talk about what's coming up, you know, Nvidia bring that excitement, right? Bringing storytelling like this is really your opportunity to connect, and bring a human aspect and real life conversation into the mix of this launch. Right? So so it's not just what's included, and here's all the stuff you get no, like really think about, like, what's the feeling right? Like, what's the feeling people will get? What are they gonna walk away with? How are you implementing these tools that you teach in your daily life and your business? Whatever it is, and then you know, really speak to that. So that is when we drop details. And then generally what I would say is the next couple of days, like usually five days left, what do you want to do is dedicate each day to a specific topic that you cover in your program. So if you you know, like Blair, for example, she's launching her incredible program in the fall that will empower you to take charge of your social media. And you do want to keep an eye on her Instagram and her social media. You can also join her newsletter, so you'll know when it's happening. But she will cover multiple different things throughout that program. Like it's not just one thing, it's multiple different things. So because she has multiple subcategories within what she teaches, she can literally let's, I know it's it's more than four topics. But just for ease of use, let's just say it's four different things that she is teaching in this program. Each day she can curate and create a post and write about one thing that you teach us and then every day you have an opportunity to refer back to your program and lead people. This is important To take an action, right, so every post needs to include a call to action. And so you do that, for the rest of the time. If you launch for more than 10 days, make sure that you also put some engagement in between asking questions, you know, we want to make sure that again, pattern interrupt, right, that we engage, re engage people like why, you know, it's not just about, here's this awesome program, but get people talking, get people responding. Anyways, so that is the launch process, in a very like short nutshell. And of course, there was like a million more things to this, but

Blair Kaplan-Venables:

I love it. It's brilliant. So it's really cool. Because, you know, leading up to a launch, social media is a really important place to hype. And I'm just going to give everyone else another perspective. So Theresa mentioned, I'm launching a program called empowerment. So empowerment is coming out at the end, like I'll be launching it like opening my cart, meaning people can start dropping in at the end of fall. So what I'm doing is I'm doing a very long launch where I use let me actually start with saying that I've created the social media empowerment pillars. And these are the seven social media pillars you need to follow in order to be on the path to thought leadership. Why do you want to be a thought leader, if you're a thought leader in your industry, you are the go to expert, you're the expert that the media wants to interview the media wants to feature you are the expert that clients want to flock to. And before public relations was needed to grow your social media. But now social media is needed to grow your publishing and grow your thought leadership and thought awareness. So I've built out these pillars that I've been using for over 13 years. And this is what I'm teaching. So I'm doing a group coaching program. And I'm really excited about it. But that doesn't launch till the end of fall. So what I'm doing now is I'm preparing for the launch. And what do I do, I make sure that all my posts usually most of my posts on social media, use the word empower, or empowerment. Some of my posts are about the pillars, some of the things are about personal stuff, and how I've been empowered. And so I make sure that I am seeding those words, leading up to our first launch of momentum, we use the word momentum. Anytime we talked about stuff on our podcast anytime we did something on social media, and so I'm seeding it. Also what I'm doing is monthly workshops, free monthly workshops. I'm doing this to grow my list, but also share my knowledge. And I'm also a guest on many podcasts, a guest speaker lots of events, I run social media ads, giving away social media checklists, I'm growing my list growing my awareness. And I've invested in a public relations company who has helped me getting me exposure, because yes, I can write articles and be the expert. But when someone else talks about you, that's the golden goose. And we're doing all of these things in conjunction for a late fall launch. Because my goal is to put 100 people into the first cohort of my six month coaching, program empowerment. And along the way, everything I'm doing is funneling into that I have a book launch coming out, I have events, I'm starting to plan, I have a lot of cool things going on. And so behind the scenes, I'm doing all these things and showing up on social media seeding that using the word so when people talk to me, they want to be empowered, they want to uplevel and they start seeing me as the person that can help them do that. And so it's really cool, because, you know, I, Patrice and I also are launching another cohort of momentum. And that is, you know, a very intimate experience, there's only only going to be 10 people, you know, 10 people, that's not a lot. That's there's only 10 of you that can be in it because it's a very hands on two to one coaching approach. It's a six month program. And so Theresa and I have started seeding momentum, we've started using it, you probably can go back to other episodes and hear us dropping momentum and velocity. And you know, you're going to start seeing a lot more of that shown up on both of our social media, and everything that we do on our own funnels into what we do together.

Theresa Lambert:

Yeah, I love that Blair and what Blair was just describing You know, that's the invisible path that she lays for our clients right that is a client journey and the thing is why is it invisible? Because you don't bloody know that you're on it. Right You don't but by using those words by seeding what's coming up and you know these are tactics, these are sales tactics, right, like you can use inside a master class and all these things like what dropping like a lot at you today. I know like there's a lot we're sharing strategy with sharing tools. were sharing words or you're like What the frick is seating. But honestly, like, that's what it's about, right? Like I really want to start to think about you know, how do I lead people through my business all the way from free offers to high ticket investments and also holding the space for people wait, I know when we in a launch velocity for the first time and then momentum for the first time. You know, we we really were faced with a lot of things I was faced with a lot of things. I was like, you know, doing what I can to support her. She was going through like a really hard time in her life. And she's spoken about that on the podcast. But, you know, here's the thing, right? And this is, again, why I see so many people., really, you know, dropped the ball. And this is actually where something my coaches, jack and Rob, who we had on the podcast a few weeks ago, really helped me with is holding the space and keeping the trust and the faith that yes, people are going to buy your product and services, right. So when people are launching free master classes, or free offers, right, like, I do everything I do to grow my community of warm leads, okay, I lead with value, it doesn't matter to me whether you drop into a paid program, after you've dropped into one of my programs, it doesn't, I show up to show up to give the value and the people that want to continue will continue. And the people who don't don't and sometimes clients become clients, one or two years after day fast, had a touch point with your business, right. So this continued ceiling at bleda here is really brilliant, because somebody might have been listening to her for the last six months. And when she's ready to actually launch her program people will drop in. So key thing, his dough, right. If you do anything, if you launch anything, don't make it mean anything. If you you know, drop your branding, and you don't have five people signing up right away, right? Like this is a trap that we step into, because we start to feel even for masterclasses Oh, if nobody buys right and right away, there must be something wrong with me, there must be something wrong with my program, right? The second you get into a head like that, the second you do that, you literally are repelling people coming in, because they can stem said you're like not confident anymore, that this is the program for them. So create offers and programs that you are so freaking fucking excited about that does amount of anybody buys because you can show up and talk about them for six months, because you know, they will change somebody's life. And when you do that, people will drop in, like that's the magic. But you can't give up, you have got to hold that energy.

Blair Kaplan-Venables:

And it's all about energy. Everything is energy, money is energy. You know, your attitude is energy. And it's all about showing up. It's all about showing up. And it's about how you show up. And you know what, sometimes there's lunches and like, we make no money. Sometimes, you know, we get no enrollments, but it's a learning experience. Like will I get 100 people in empowerment, that'd be cool. I mean, I'd be happy to run it with 10 I'd be happy run it with 50. Like, I want to run it. And I know that I can get close to 100. Because I you know, it's a social media program. And I've been doing social media since before it was, you know, a marketing considered a marketing tool. But will I be disappointed if I don't have 100? Heck no, because it's an opportunity to really practice my launch skills, see what works, see what doesn't work, and run a program and build out something really amazing. And you know, it can be really discouraging if you you know, your goal is to have a certain amount of people drop into a free masterclass. And that doesn't look at what works. do more of that next time. Look what didn't work and do less of that. And it's all about energy and attitude and how you approach it. And yes, it's work like there's a lot of, I bet you Teresa sits on her couch or her patio, weird hours designing Canva graphics, I for sure know she does, you know, if I feel inspired, and it's a weird time of the day, like sometimes I'm in the bathtub at 6am writing out social media content, because I'm inspired. And that was maybe today. And you got to you got to move with your energy and you got to put out the stuff that you want to put out the stuff that you want other people to know, not what you think other people need to know, but what you're passionate about, because people can sense that people know, people know. And so, you know, as we come to the end of this episode, why don't we talk a little bit about our next cohort of momentum.

Theresa Lambert:

Oh my god, yes. I love I love my mentoring program. I think it's also because I just love working with you and our two heads together. Creating one program has been just so epic. And we've had some really great, amazing client feedback. Our clients have gotten some really cool wins. People are moving forward in their business people are booking clients, people are landing, really cool PR for themselves, which is just so so so so awesome, you know, to see that businesses come together and this is really what you know, momentum is about. It's a six month business mentorship accelerator where you get a mix of things like we put our heads together and we're like what would be a great mix. If you want to start scale your business if you want to, you know, start having regular income coming into your business if you want to, you know, expand your reach for media and PR, I'm sorry if you're hearing my cat in the back anyways, but it's six months with us. And it's a mix of mastermind calls, one to one calls with each bland, nice. So you get a call with me and a call with black once a month, we have half day training sessions where we're going in deep on a lot of those topics that we covered today. You also get a bonus training that I'm offering, which is a launch which dives into just strategy off launching like an entire full day intensive, that's coming up again as well, this fall that's included for for anyone that's in the January chord, I'll probably been on live training again in the new year. So it'll be life access, or you can have the recording. And then there's boxer. So on top of all that you will also actually having access to Vlad and I, you know, five days a week on vaca, you can drop in there, you can ask questions bland, I will get back to you and answer them, which is really awesome. And I feel like I'm forgetting things because there was so much more even through this program. But the next cohort will start fully in January. Our kickoff call is December 15. So just before Christmas, and it's going to be really fun, because I think December 15 will be a really great time for us to do a little bit of like, you know, a visioning, we might even do like I don't know, maybe we'll even do like a vision board sort of thing with everybody that's joining something just really fun before a new year. And then we'll dive into January 22, we're going to dive into with 10 incredible entrepreneurs that are ready to you know, really get that business momentum because when you have momentum, it just feels different.

Blair Kaplan-Venables:

And I think you just did a brilliant job, people can go to Teresa Lambert coaching slash momentum. Learn more about it, you know, if this is something you want us to hold your spot you want to get in, you know, put yourself on the waitlist or sign up, we do have people who are interested, we know that all these 10 spots are going to be full like Teresa and I didn't have this much lead time to promote the first cohort. And we almost sold out half those spots. And that was when my mother passed away. So you know, people, the people are showing interest. And so if this is something of interest to you reach out to us go to the website, sign up, you want to get on a call with me, or Teresa or both of us. Let's do it. Let's get you in let's give your business the velocity and the momentum it needs to uplevel for 2022. You know, this is this was the toughest year of my life but because I'm following the empowerment pillars, and because I've worked with Teresa, and know how to get my business momentum financially. This is the most successful year of my business, the most difficult worst year of my life with amount of loss. I've had the most successful financial year in my business, the most free time I've ever had. So I'm so stoked that you've tuned in to another episode of dissecting success. I hope our little episode today gave you momentum, some food for thought you had some knowledge nuggets from the lizard wizard, the Lizard Lizard Lizard was in Theresa. And without further ado, thank you. Peace.


That's a wrap for another episode of dissecting success. enjoyed this episode. Make sure to subscribe to black hat on Venables and Theresa Lambert's podcast dissecting success on the App Store.

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